I could not do without thee!

For a rookie like me, it was not easy to set up a WordPress website on its own. Instantly, I looked up online for tutorials, documentation and dig up many sources that could help. Some of the online sources that are worth mentioning are as follows:

  1. Lynda.com – Morten is the man! No matter how many times i fell asleep while going through the entire 5h 14m WordPress essential training with Morten Rand-Hendriksen, but it did help immensely. Lynda came to my rescue whenever I got stuck anywhere while making the website. 
  2. Zerif lite tutorial videos on Youtube – Another thing that helped throughout was this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upiaWAudFvA made for beginners using Zerif lite theme. Video takes you step by step to each feature of the theme and helps in its customization. This video certainly made my job easy as the free version of my theme did not have much documentation.
  3. Mashable.com – I trust mashable content more than I trust any other sources online. Crisp, absolutely informative and credible stuff on mashable helped me with my research on topics like SEO, UI, UX, etc.
  4. WordPress theme support – https://wordpress.org/support/theme/zerif-lite was another source I followed to learn about minute details while customizing my theme. It details out almost everything related to the theme and also includes conversation threads from the people who are already using the theme.
  5. Human beings Yes, I have real life friends too…Yay! I took advice from my friends who I’d love to call geeks :P. One of the geek friends I have even gave me a paid plugin to install on my site, that too completely free of cost.  That’s the real perk of having real friends!!!!
  6. Matt – How can I forget my tutor who never remembers anybody’s name :P. I can’t even recall how many times I banged on his office door to ask for random help. Not to mention, never ever he denied any request no matter how absurd the request was.