Concept Note – Confessions of a sweet tooth!

Confessions of a sweet tooth!

One thing that keeps me going is desserts and more desserts. I think every single tooth I have is a sweet tooth! I have always loved to bake and share the pictures of my recipes on my Facebook profile all the time. Love for baking started when I was in India and made friends with top bakers operating in the country. Talking about my website, first thing that came to mind when I got to learn about this assignment is that I am going to make a baking website. Honestly, It didn’t need much of a research on the concept idea from my end as I was already following many baking websites and home bakers for many years now.

Although I like more than 10 baking websites, but provided that I am a beginner in HTML and CSS, I decided to get some inspiration from one of simple baking website – Verybestbaking is the website from Nestle group that I really liked. This website is for every kind of baker from a learner to an expert. Best thing about this website is that it is extremely reader friendly. It has an effortless filter options that lets readers choose what they want to bake and for what occasion. Readers can also select the skill level basis their competency. Use of brown, orange and white color makes it very refreshing, bright yet soothing to the eyes of the reader.

Taking inspiration from the, I decided to create my own website After deciding on the name, Cake Walk, I started to look for an appropriate Logo. I wish I could make one on my own in Photoshop but due to paucity of time, I looked for one on web. Luckily, I found a logo just the way I thought from a website – Deciding on color palette was easy for me, I picked brown color for its warmth and a different shade of pink keeping in mind my target audience which is mostly women. For fonts, I decided to use two typefaces for the entire website, one was Roboto for the menu items and other was Cambria for the text in the article. I used these two fonts as they are easily readable and work on most browsers. I have kept the layout of my website very simple, but at the same time I tried to put in use every kind of coding I got to learn in the lecture. My landing page has a video on it, whereas all other pages have got a box in the center of the page with specific details about that page. I have used social media icons on my contact page for readers to connect with me.


Inspiration of the website:


Background Image: